Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions about VoiGPT's Voice Assistant? We've got answers! Dive into our frequently asked questions below.

Using VoiGPT Voice Assistant

What browsers does VoiGPT support?


  • Safari
  • Edge


  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • Edge


  • Chrome
  • Edge

How do I use VoiGPT?

  • Click the "Start Listening" button.
  • Say the wake word "Jarvis" then speak your prompt. No delay is needed from the wake word to the prompt. If you say "Jarvis" and stop speaking, the program will respond "I did not understand..."
  • Wait for the response.
  • Say 'stop speaking' to stop the assistants text to speech.
  • Say 'clear chat' to refresh the chat history.
  • Simply speak "Stop Listening" or click the "Stop Listening" button to stop the voice assistant.

What is the wake word?

The wake word is "Jarvis".

What other voice commands does VoiGPT have?

  • "Stop Speaking" - Stops the voice assistant talking.
  • "Stop Listening" - Stops assistant from listening until you press the 'Start Listening' button again.
  • "Clear Chat" - Clears the chat window and history.